
Meet our fellow parishioners and learn as they share their parish engagement.

Meet Donna Semanco

Donna is a member of the “church family” at Assumption. If you attend Mass on Saturday evening, you probably already recognize her as one of the greeters. But, that’s just one of the ways she volunteers her time. 

Stewardship: Called to Serve

Meet Paul Brown, one of our ushers, and listen as he describes what it means to him to be able to help serve at Mass.

Do you feel a call to serve? Contact the parish office today to see how you can help.

Wondering how you can help?

Our booklet on volunteer opportunities will introduce you to the many ways you can help within the parish community. Copies are also available in the gathering space.

Lay Ministry

We are a faith family pursuing and sharing CELEBRATION, SERVICE and GROWTH.  Our parish family was blessed this past Sunday as Bishop Gruss commissioned our sister, NOREEN WARRICK, as a Lay Minister for these next three Years.  Noreen joins the half dozen other of our fellow parishioners who have already completed the formation process and are serving here at Assumption in various leadership roles. Noreen has served our parish family in a variety of roles over the years (e.g., choir, catechist, lector) and she wanted to grow and deepen her knowledge of our Catholic faith.  She found the Lay Ministry process responsive to her hopes.  We are grateful to Noreen for her service but also for the example her ongoing pursuit of growth offers us all.  Congratulations Noreen, Thank you—and thanks to all who by your service and prayer continue to support our parish family.

Gratitude is the root and heart of faithful stewardship

Gratefully responding to God’s overwhelming generosity and abundant gifts.  Our FAITH is one such gift, a gift to be shared.  And we can all be grateful to SANDY ZONDLAK for the service of SHARING our FAITH as our Sacramental Catechist.

For four years Sandy has guided our 2nd graders and their families as they prepared to celebrate several of the Sacraments of our family of faith.  She helped them all in readying to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time and then to complete their initiation by being Confirmed and making their First Holy Communion.  Sandy served as guide for the parents as families participated together in the preparing.  And this year presented unique challenges as Covid forced adopting new strategies to prepare our parish children for Confirmation and First Eucharist.  As you saw, those Sacraments were (finally) celebrated a couple of weeks ago and we are grateful to Sandy and to the parents who will continue to guide our youth as they grow in wisdom, age and grace.  Thanks for modeling good stewardship for our whole family of faith.

Our day-by-day Way to Joy   

Some 15 years back Bernie and Lorie Servinski were asked to assist in caring for the grounds here at our Assumption parish home.  Since then, as part of their ‘day jobs’, they have cared for the parish property as if it were their own.  Each week they do the mowing, trimming, and usual yard work on our big “yard” but they also joyfully volunteer topiary and other skills to keep both the grounds  and the equipment in tip-top shape. Their skill and commitment combined with the Creator’s genius and plan for growth and greenness make our parish home a beautiful place we can all be proud of.

   God’s gifts are given to us all and at an early age both Bernie and Lorie were taught that Christian stewardship involves using your talents as well as the generous sharing of the moneys we manage, spend and invest.  So, beyond the yard works, Bernie serves as an usher Saturdays at Mass and also pitches in on occasional other maintenance tasks.  Meanwhile, Lorie provides some office assistance and continues the family tradition of delivering trees, wreaths and other greenery to be used to enhance our Christmas season praying.  Bernie and Lorie with their daughter Michelle form a 3rd and 4th generation of Assumption faith family members (Servinski/Cabala).  So we celebrate and give great thanks for your many years of CARE for our church grounds and parish family!

Office Manager:  MOST "EST" BUSY Manager!

Sandy Martinski has been hard at work doing many everyday tasks to keep our parish office up and running!  From writing checks, to getting our bills paid, keeping the books balanced, sending parish emails, doing a great job on the bulletin, and answering a ton of emails.  She has even taken on a lot more during these challenging times. The Diocese keeps her busy with many questions concerning our budget, and the end of the fiscal year budgeting.  Sandy has always been the “glue” that keeps us going in the office and parish.  As a parish, we are blessed to have such a hardworking, self motivated person.  Sooo if you notice her arm is in a sling, say a few prayers for her; she had a little tumble!  Thanks Sandy!!  God only sends us the very best!  We are Blessed to have you!! 

Thanks 2 our Assumption Parish “Techy”

We all owe GREAT GRATITUDE to Kathy Russell, our Director of Youth Ministry, for using her talents to help us put together the VIDEO messages, our new Facebook page and other online resources for use during Holy Week.

Using of a few lights found in the garage, an iPhone, a tripod, and her knowledge (aided as well by her daughter, Kristyn), Fr. Joe’s homilies, some personal words of encouragement, and other links have been captured and posted on our Facebook page, our YouTube channel, and our website!  Plus, as Kathy would quickly remind us, do not forget the lots of prayer asking the Holy Spirit to give her wisdom!  So be sure to give Kathy a shout out in an email or a phone call!  It is amazing when we face challenges the gifts that begin to come forth for service, gifts that help guide us during these unusual circumstances!  God is Good …. All the time God is Good!!!! 

Our day-by-day Way to Joy

Hello, I am Dan Schneider, and I have been altar serving for five years, as well as being a CLOW (Children's Liturgy of the Word) Aide and Preschool Faith Formation aide.  Altar serving has helped me grow in my faith substantially, since whenever I altar serve, I feel holy, since when you altar serve, you serve the Lord.  Sometimes, besides altar serving, I help by being a CLOW aide.  Being a CLOW aide brings me joy, since I am helping children understand and know the Lord better.  After church, I usually help by aiding the Preschool Faith Formation, which I enjoy as much as altar serving, since I am helping spread the Word of God to little children. Helping Assumption Church has helped grow my faith.

Our day-by-day Way to Joy

My name is Mary Smith.  I have been a member of the parish for a long time, but only since I retired from teaching have I become more active in the church.  An invitation from Kathy Russel to help in the kitchen eventually turned into becoming a member of the Caring Cooks Committee, Funeral luncheon group and MACC Mission food prep team.  

Being a former educator led me to participating on the Education Commission, leading the Book Study groups and CLOW.  In the community, I am involved with Midland’s Open Door.  Sometimes when people retire, they say, “I don’t know how I ever had time to work!”  I am finding that to be true, but I am enjoying sharing my time, talent, and treasure with my church family.

Our day-by-day Way to Joy

My name is Jean Krause.  A few years ago, a friend invited me to a Stitch and Prayer meeting, knowing that I knit, crochet, sew and quilt.  My interest was piqued when I learned this group provides items of warmth and comfort for those in need in Midland and surrounding counties.  

I attended my first meeting many years ago and was welcomed by all of the members.  I feel very honored to help provide for our neighbors in need.  Please join us in this wonderful community service and share your skills.   You, too, will feel blessed and humbled beyond belief.

Our day-by-day Way to Joy

My name is Jim Erdman and I love my ABVM parish family.  I believe that participation in the needed ministries is a way to show our love for God and one another.  I have participated in a variety of ministries and events over the years and am currently a lay presider for Word and Communion services, which I regard as an awesome privilege.

As I prepared this message, I keep remembering an old Country & Western song that I think applies:

Have I told you lately that I love you? 

Have I told you lately how I care?

Have I told you how with all my heart and soul that I adore you?

Well “Darling” (God, brothers and sisters) I’m telling you now! 

Our day-by-day Way to Joy

My name is John Phillips.  I currently have the honor of chairing the Pastoral Council (PC).  After I retired, I was looking for an opportunity to help the parish.  When an opening on the PC was announced, I thought it would be a good place to have a positive impact.  It’s been a great experience working with the other Council members and Father.  What a wonderful group!  It also opened the door to opportunities to meet and work with other parishioners on the Education Commission and the Wild Goose is Loose program.  I’m looking forward to the GPS and Companions in Christ programs and other programs planned this year.  We have an opening on the PC now.  I would encourage anyone that is interested in joining the PC to contact Father or myself.  

Our day-by-day Way to Joy

My name is Roe Baker.  You may have seen me at Saturday Mass in the following ministries: sacristan, Eucharistic minister, or altar server.  The kitchen is another area you would find me, coordinating a monthly meal for Open Door and funeral lunches, with other parishioners.  I am also on the collection accounting team, 

I lead Christian meditation and support our global family thru the practice of yoga.  In our individual families, participation is essential to continue growth, love and purpose.  The same is true in our Assumption family.  Most of my efforts require an hour a week.  The benefits you receive in serving in any ministry has unending value.  Looking forward to serving with you in the future!

Our day-by-day Way to Joy

My name is Marcia Schneider.  I've been teaching Catechesis of the Good Shepherd through Assumption's Faith Formation program to Kindergartners for the last five years.  I also volunteer in a program called Faith and Fellowship with people who have serious mental illness.  I've been involved in this group since 1990 when it began in Midland.

Focusing on Faith and Fellowship, the reason for my many-years of involvement is a belief that we are more alike than different, everyone deserves to feel acceptance and belonging and everyone needs a format to share their story and their faith.  This ministry helps fills these needs and nurtures my faith as well.  Some people with mental illness do not feel comfortable in a church setting and Faith and Fellowship can provide a stepping stone.

If you feel that you might be called to volunteerism that helps grow your faith and compassion, I'd be happy to tell you more about Faith and Fellowship. 

Our day-by-day Way to Joy

My name is Dave Vickery.  Most weekends you will find me playing my trombone or recorders, or at the cantor stand.  I’ve served as a Eucharistic Minister and Lector in the various parishes I’ve been a member of since my early teens.  

I joined these ministries shortly after joining the parish.  What did change at Assumption is that I joined the choir.  Not long after, I was asked to consider becoming a cantor - something I never thought I would have the courage to do.  Enter stewardship.  I've always been taught that we each have been given gifts by God and that those gifts are meant to be shared.  So I said yes.  At times, it is still a challenge - especially singing the psalms.  At those times, I ask God to speak through me and then trust in his help.  What are the gifts that God has given to you that you can share?

Our day-by-day Way to Joy

My name is Marilyn Zank.  Service to others is how I feel I am called to be God’s servant.  God blessed me with many gifts to help his church, through Music Ministry, decorating with Art & Environment, organizational skills, teaching and gardening.  I feel God talks to each of our hearts to help direct us to the work He would like us to do.  If we don’t hear Him the first time, God will present His idea to us in another fashion.  

Volunteering builds relationships with other people, which in turn builds community and friendships.  We all have a deep desire to be a part of something bigger, more than just one can do alone.  One voice is pretty but a whole congregation singing moves all the hearts to God.  Sing praise!

Mark Bernius

Our day-by-day Way to Joy

My name is Mark Bernius.  I believe, whether we all realize it or not, we all seek to be of service to one another.  For me, Ushering is a way of carrying out community-oriented service, because our responsibility is to offer hospitable attention for each and every participant at a church service while performing the specific ministry role at that service.  I am thankful to be an active participant in that role and work with the men and women who offer their time and talents in the ministry of hospitality at Assumption.  Starting around 2004, I was asked to lead a Youth Group within the Ushers for primarily high school students in the parish who were interested in developing their talents and commitment to service as an Usher.  

This required always being on time, dressing the part, and active attention during the Mass.  Now, many of those young Ushers are beginning to have growing families of their own, and one day if any of them would like their children to receive the same training and opportunities that they had as a Youth Usher of the parish, we will be here to assist them in any way that we can.

Joe Stanko

Kyle McRae

Mary K. Taylor

My name is Mary K. Taylor, my grandsons call me Mimmy!Children’s Liturgy of the Word, it sounds intimidating and with a fair amount of responsibility.  Likely, many think the same and shy away thinking, I’m not a teacher, not even close!Something would tell me to step outside of my comfort zone to check it out!  Why would I be afraid of the sweetest, most innocent, of the very gift GOD gives?  Their candor is priceless, their hearts are huge, and they enjoy sharing stories with you.  What’s to be afraid of?  There are plenty of resources, helpers, and most importantly the Holy Spirit to guide you.  And, they could use help!  I took the opportunity to help out two years ago and have enjoyed sharing, my time… EVERY TIME.  I feel fulfilled that I can help even if it’s in the smallest of ways! 

Don Martinski

My name is Don Martinski.  I am a volunteer for the Food Truck at Assumption.Last year I was asked by the chairperson of the Food Truck, Sue Barta, to organize the loading of the cars, 150 or more, in the parking lot for the free grocery pick-up.  I met with the food truck personnel at St. Johns Parish-food giveaway, to learn the safe way to pass out free food to a large group of people without the volunteers getting hurt.  We will make it a safe, respectable, and organized event so everyone gets fed.Doing this volunteer work helps me feel that I am doing God’s work to feed the hungry.

Maria Dvorak 

I am Maria Dvorak a catechist.  I create an environment where children can learn about their Catholic faith and how much Jesus loves them.  My qualifications are simply, I love my God and I love kids.  The curriculum prepares me with scripture on which to ponder and pray.  The Holy Spirit and the children’s disposition direct, guide and teach me.  The best classes are ones in which the children grab on to a point and run with it.  On these days I learn, laugh and admire these saints in our midst.  Some worry about the future of the Church, I do not.  The Holy Spirit is alive and well and preparing the hearts of its children to be joyous followers of Jesus Christ.  If you delight in being around children, you are perfect for this ministry.

Matt Glaccum

My name is Matt Glaccum.  One of the ways I have found to give back to the community over the past five years is to work in the parish garden.  I am proof that you don’t need to be a master gardener to do so!  The only qualification is a willingness to put in the time and effort when you can to help bring the Lord’s bounty to those who need it (such as by tilling the soil, pulling weeds or tending the plants). The produce from the garden goes to Hidden Harvest and others to help get it where it is needed the most.  Helping others while enjoying the beauty of His creation in the green that grows–with the fellowship of like-minded folks, a wonderful way to take in the cool of the morning or the ending of the day.

Ann Buzanowski

My name is Ann Buzanowski.  I was the child in grade school who was terrified of reading aloud in class.  I struggled with phonetics and was frequently teased for my mistakes which were exaggerated by my booming voice.  I was ashamed by my lack of skill, but God had different plans for me.  Eventually,  I overcame my reading problems and developed a passion for reading Scripture and prayer.  When I was asked to read at a friend’s wedding my insecurities returned, but I went to God in prayer and asked him to be my voice.  To my amazement, the words of St. Paul fell from my lips with confidence and conviction.  That day I was asked to become a lector and I humbly agreed.  I am blessed and proud to serve as a reader at Assumption.

Carol Maciag

My name is Carol Maciag We moved to Midland in December 2012 to be near my son, his wife and my granddaughter. Since then my grandson was born in 2013. It was in that year that I volunteered at Vacation Bible School so my four-year-old granddaughter would attend. The last two years my grandson has also attended. Participating in VBS has been a blessing in my personal journey of faith. When I share my faith stories with the children, listen to theirs and those of the other volunteers, my faith increases. Watching the children and seeing their enthusiasm as they sing and act out the songs, which start and end each day at VBS, sometimes brings tears to my eyes. You can just feel the Holy Spirit alive as we gather as a shared faith community.

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”   (Matthew 18:20)