The Chosen—Season 4
Beginning September 9 and 11
Season 4 has been released and will be shown starting Monday, September 9 from 6:30–8:00 and Wednesday, September 11 from 1:00–2:30.
In preparation for this season, a Chosen Review will happen on Monday, August 26 from 1:00–2:30.
Contact Donna Semanco at 989-631-0872 or for more information.
Awakening Faith
Saturday Morning Men’s discussion centered around friendship, faith, and fraternity
All men are invited to a twice-monthly gathering with the objective of helping us all grow in our faith together.
Sessions begin September 14 with 8am Mass and rosary followed by discussion. The 4th Saturday will begin with rosary at 8:30am followed by discussion. The series will continue until the beginning of Lent.
To ensure enough study guides are available, please sign up in the gathering space or contact Gregg Zank at 989-488-9588.
Are you someone who (or do you know someone who)...
Has wondered “What is my purpose?” or “Why am I here?”
Has been seeking deeper meaning in life?
Has wondered if “being spiritual” and “being religious” are really compatible?
Has wondered if goodness and unconditional love are really possible?
Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic or learning more about Catholicism?
Is married to a Catholic or raising Catholic children?
Is related to or in a relationship with a Catholic, and wants to understand them more?
A Catholic who has been away from the church for awhile or are looking to update your understanding of the Catholic faith?
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish will be offering a weekly opportunityfor Inquiry into Catholicism. All you need to bring is your questions or a friend with questions of their own. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of Catholicism. Inquiry sessions will meet each Sunday evening at the church from 6:30–7:30pm beginning September 15.
Contact John Graveline for more information.
Millions of Monicas Prayer Group
Millions of mothers have watched their children give up the practice of their Catholic faith in a society where success is judged in terms of power, pleasure, and possessions; because of the offenses of fellow Catholics, or for various other reasons.
A new weekly prayer group for mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, aunts, and friends is gathering Tuesdays at 6:30pm at Assumption.
Like St. Monica, we pray for our children to return to the practice of their Catholic faith, and for our children to always stay close to their faith. We are a group of mothers of all ages, who believe in the mother’s power of prayer to pray together for their children’s return to the Catholic faith.
Join the Choir!
The Assumption Parish Choir is looking for new members!
Our choir is open to any lovers of music high school age and older—all skill levels are welcome! Centered around the experience of learning and presenting new skills and a wide range of music in a faith-filled environment, involvement in choir is both fun and fulfilling! Choir rehearses every Thursday night from 7–8:30pm. We hope you will consider joining us for this upcoming season—we’ve got some great music in store that you won’t want to miss!
Contact Jim Renfer at
Catholic Bible Study
Intentional Disciples Saginaw invites all young adults and young parents to join a Catholic Bible Study group. Sessions meet in the Holy Grounds on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7pm.
Email for more information.
Media Outreach Ministry Needs You!
Masses are livestreamed each week for those who are unable to join the Assumption faith community in person. This technology also provides us the ability to livestream other events that occur throughout the church year.
There is a need for Media Outreach Ministers. This invitation is open to anyone from middle school to adult. No previous knowledge and skills are required; training will be provided.
If you are interested in this ministry or have any questions, please contact Max Schneider by stopping by the Media Outreach Ministry room (the former cry room) any Sunday before or after Mass, or by email at
Becoming Catholic - Rites of Christian Initiation (RCIA)
We are happy to share our faith with others. If you are interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith, call the Parish Office. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process through which interested adults and older children are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life. Contact us for more information about Sacramental Preparation.
The Catholic Diocese of Saginaw has provided some excellent resources on their website for Catholics who may be struggling. You may also contact us for support and there are additional resources on this website.
STrengthen your Catholic faith
Below are many resources to help you in growing your Catholic faith. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Sunday Homily
The homily is available as part of the Mass live stream recording available on our YouTube channel. Subscribe today!
Catholic Prayers
Calendar of saints of the day - short audio and text for each saint.
Weekly Bulletin Insert
14 Stations of the Cross (plus 15 and 16) at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
First Station: Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane Matthew 26:36-41
Second Station: Jesus, Betrayed by Judas, is Arrested Mark 14: 43-46
Third Station: Jesus is Condemned by the Sanhedrin Luke 22: 66-71
Fourth Station: Jesus is Denied by Peter Matthew 26: 69-75
Fifth Station: Jesus is Judged by Pilate Mark 15: 1-5, 15
Sixth Station: Jesus is Scourged and Crowned with Thorns John 19: 1-3
Seventh Station: Jesus Bears the Cross John 19: 6, 15-17
Eighth Station: Jesus is Helped by Simon the Cyrenian to Carry the Cross Mark 15: 21
Ninth Station: Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem Luke 23: 27-31
Tenth Station: Jesus is Crucified Luke 23: 33-34
Eleventh Station: Jesus Promises His Kingdom to the Good Thief Luke 23: 39-43
Twelfth Station: Jesus Speaks to His Mother and the Disciple John 19: 25-27
Thirteenth Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross Luke 23: 44-46
Fourteenth Station: Jesus is Placed in the Tomb Matthew 27: 57-60
Fifteenth: Resurrection Luke 24: 1-12
Sixteenth: The Appearance on the Road to Emmaus" Breaking of the Bread. Luke 24:24-35
Adult Faith Formation
The church teaches us that a mature adult faith is living, explicit, and fruitful. We do this by nourishing our faith by:
Having a relationship with Jesus.
Celebrating our faith with others in Eucharistic Liturgies and praying with others.
Living a moral life in our homes and workplaces.
Building a strong church and civic community.
Sharing our faith in appropriate manners with those we come in contact.
To grow in our faith at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we offer these opportunities to adults and their families:
Scripture Study: Several Series of Scripture studies are offered throughout the year.
Prepared programs such as Little Rock and Loyola have printed material which groups meet and discuss on a weekly basis.
Reflection of Sunday Readings happens on a weekly basis throughout the year where groups prayerfully read the upcoming readings for Sunday and discuss important insights into these readings.
Seasonal and particular scripture studies periodically are scheduled such as Advent or Lenten themes or Scriptural insights into the Rosary or Stations of the Cross.
Grief Recovery: The three parishes of Midland offer a group process for grieving the loss of a loved one. Each process is over several weeks and is offered at various times during the year to accommodate different schedules for those who would benefit from this.
Special Programs: Diocesan programs are frequently listed in publications such as the bulletin or in the Diocesan newspaper. These growthful programs include such things as university courses, lay ministry formation, retreats and other enrichment programs.
Catechist Formation: Volunteers are always needed to assist the pastoral staff with important ministry of handing on the faith. Those wishing to be catechists should contact a staff person to find out the requirements. All catechists go through the diocesan required background check and educational presentation of VIRTUS to enable that we can create safe environments for our children. Other preparation to becoming a catechist is an ongoing willingness to build on ones knowledge through the diocesan certification process.
Faith Formation Volunteer OPPORTUNITIES
Catechist for Adults: Facilitates and teaches aspects of Catholic faith and way of life. Formation required.
Facilitators: Lead Guided Discussion.
Group Grief Recovery: Leads a structured process of grieving over the death of a loved one.
Library Committee: Catalogs and keeps current books and materials in the library.
RCIA: Aids in the process of those seeking full communion with the Catholic Church as inquiry leader, catechist, sponsor, or hospitality minister. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Children's Faith Formation, Middle School and High School Youth Ministry