2023–2025 Parish Promise Pledge Recipient
Toni & Trish House is a home which provides a social environment of caring, and offers emotional support for the families. The volunteers of the Toni and Trish House provide personal, selfless, compassionate care to each guest in a home-like environment.
A physical environment that is bright, clean, and not “institutional” is also very important. The home has space for six guests, a spacious kitchen, a common living room, a chapel, and a laundry.
End of Life Care
As the end of life approaches, each family’s story is different. A person can linger, gradually fading away or death can be sudden. End-of-life care describes the support and medical care given during the time surrounding one’s death. Such care does not happen in the moments before death. Care can be needed for days, weeks, and sometimes even months.
Grief Support Groups
Support groups are a method of help for people struggling with all sorts of difficulties. Many individuals wonder if they will benefit from a support group, but groups are not magic, there are no words that can be spoken within a group that can make grief disappear. For many a support group can be a break from the loneliness and the boredom that often comes with grief
Children's Grief Center
Children experience fewer deaths due to modern medicine that has helped in reducing child mortality and prolong the life expectancy for the elderly. More and more people die in nursing homes and hospitals that are outside the home environment. The exclusion of death from children’s lives requires us to teach them about death and grief.
Learn more about Toni & Trish House.
Our Parish is blessed with loving, compassionate people. Thank you for sharing your time and talents.
Participate in Acts of Mercy at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish. Listed with a service opportunity below are parishioners to contact.
Willing to Help???
Do you have a green thumb? 👪 Help plan, tend or harvest our community garden that provides food to Open Door and Hidden Harvest. Contact: Bernie Link, 989-689-5228.
Like Garage Sales? Help set up or work at our annual rummage sale. Money goes to support local charities. Men Needed! Contact: Sandy Martinski, 989-631-4447.
Enjoy working with tools? Join Handy Helpers. Assistance given to Habitat for Humanity, Open Door and parishioners. Contact: Ray Barta, 989-513-5367.
Knit, Crochet, Quilt, Sew? Craft items of warm, comfort, and support for the sick, home bound and needy. Contact: Kathy Grzesiak, 989-859-5463.
We Need You! Attend a Christian Service Meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 5:30pm. Contact the parish office.
- 👪 Indicates family friendly activity
Caring Cooks
Is a ministry that provides meals for parishioners that are recovering from surgery and/or serious medical procedures. See Brochure.
Dinners are made by gracious cooks and delivered to your home while you are recovering.
If you are in need of meals or anticipating a surgery, please contact the parish office, Nancy Boldiszar at 303-881-3490 or nancy@boldiszar.com, or Kathy Conley at 330-524-2316 or kmcmro@charter.net.
Chicken Soup for the Soul and Body...
Love to cook? We need you ..… Please consider volunteering for our call list by contacting Nancy Boldiszar.
Love to Cook??
Console the Sorrowful. Assist with the preparation of funeral luncheons or bring a dish for the luncheon. This is a wonderful way to show your sympathy to fellow parishioners. Contact the parish office.
Caring Cooks - bring meals to the sick and homebound.
Food for the Hungry. We have two teams of volunteers who assist with meals at Open Door. One team prepares meals in ABVM kitchen the 1st Tuesday for each month. The second team serves lunches at Open Door on the 1st Wednesday and 3rd Saturday of the month. Contact: Roe Baker, 989-835-5473 for preparing meals and Ray Barta, 989-513-5367 for serving meals.
Can’t Get Enough Coffee and Donuts? 👪 Help with set up and clean up at coffee and donuts once a month. Contact the parish office.
Join the Celebration! 👪 Help prepare and serve at the reception for our high school and college graduates in June. Contact: Kathy Russell, 989-631-4447.
Celebrate Family! Assist with preparations, serving or clean up at either our Mother’s Day or Father’s Day breakfast. Contact: Joe Stanko, 631-6285 (Mother’s Day) or the parish office (Father’s Day)
👪 Indicates family friendly activity
Love to Drive??
Family Center & Shelterhouse Donations. 👪 Deliver donations to North Midland Family Center and Shelterhouse in March and September. Each Month is only a one time commitment. Contact the parish office.
Bring Joy to Homebound. 👪 Assist with delivery of flowers to a home bound parishioner for Easter or Christmas. Flowers provided by parish. Contact: Mary Lou Leslie, 989-513-1924.
Turkey for All. 👪 Transport Thanksgiving baskets to Aldersgate the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving. Contact the parish office.
Love Babies?? 👪 Assist with delivery of baby shower items to pro-life agencies in May. Contact: Donna Semanco, 989-615-9323.
Sharing our Bounty!! Assist with delivery of monthly food pantry items on the last weekend of the month (except November). Contact the parish office.
👪 Indicates family friendly activity
Service to Parishioners
Funeral Luncheons: Callers and Kitchen Helpers.
Coffee & Donuts: Help hosting this monthly event.
Parish Picnic: Help plan and serve in various ways on this event.
Father's Day Breakfast: Preparation, set up, and clean up for the annual breakfast in June.
Mother's Day Breakfast: Preparation set up, and clean up for the annual breakfast in May.
Ministry by families to homebound: Year round: also deliver Easter & Christmas flowers, call Mary Lou Leslie, 989-513-1924.
Social Functions: Volunteers to help with set up and clean up.
Caring Cooks - bring meals to the sick and home bound. See Brochure.
How might I help?
Mission Statement: We seek to comfort the bereaved by offering a funeral luncheon.
Anyone interested in helping with this ministry would be most welcomed.
Luncheon worker: Help set up, serve meal, and clean up.
Funeral Luncheon Team Leaders: Roe Baker 989-835-5473, Donna Semanco 989-631-0872, Jean Krause 989-631-1050, Mary Smith 989-245-2479
Church Provides: Ham, meatballs, cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole, baked beans, and beverages.
Food donations: Desserts such as pies, cakes, and cookies. Salads such as pasta salad, jello salad, fruit salad, peas and peanuts. Side dishes such as macaroni and cheese, corn casserole, broccoli and rice. Also needed are rolls and cheese slices.
Sign up sheets are at the Welcome Circle. Any questions: Contact a team leader,
Outreach - Annual
Bazaar in November: Food preparation, kitchen help, set up of hall, clean up and more.
Christmas Sharing Tree: Help with preparing tags, taking gifts, etc.
Hidden Harvest: Sharing home grown fresh fruits & vegetables with those in need.
Habitat for Humanity: Support of Habitat services.
Siebert Elementary School & North Midland Family Center: Seek and take donations for school supplies.
Day of Caring: Scheduled in May to help people in need with yard work and other home maintenance.
Emergency Financial Assistance: Help take phone calls, collect information and return calls or you can give money to the parish directed to this fund.
Baby Shower: In May - diaper drive and layettes.
Hispanic Ministries: Food and clothing collection in May for immigrants.
Souper Bowl Sunday - Support championship teams to support local soup kitchen in February.
Backpack Buddies - donations to support after school food programs in March.
Rice Bowl - Catholic Relief Services contributions.
Outreach - Periodic
Blood Drives: Giving blood, serving food, and other ministries.
Rummage Sales: In September, help set up, organize, and take money.
Food Pantry: Help take donations from church to Emergency Food Pantry and North Midland Family Center.
Day of Caring: Scheduled in May to help people in need with yard work and other home maintenance.
Emergency Financial Assistance: Help take phone calls, collect information and return calls or you can give money to the parish directed to this fund.
Caring Cooks - bring meals to the sick and home bound. See Brochure.
Stitch and Prayer
Group was founded in 2009 as a knitting, sewing and crochet group that is committed to doing all of its work for those in need.
Currently we have over 40 active members and are open to crafters of all faiths, skill levels, and levels of commitment.
We ask our crafters to work on what they love to do; there are no assigned projects.
Each item is prayed over requesting God’s blessing on the crafter and the recipient.
Each month we sort through the finished projects and distribute them to local non-profits.
Please call Kathy Grzesiak (989-859-5463) or Julie Maurer (989-689-0480) for information, or visit the Stitch and Prayer web site.
Knights of Columbus
Fr. Henry P. DuRussel Council 2141
Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 by the Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney to bring financial aid and assistance to the sick, disabled and needy members and their families.
A service group founded on the principles of faith, unity, and charity, the Knights is open to all men who are practicing Catholics.
Learn more about the activities of the council by visiting their web site.
Join today by visiting the Supreme Council's web site.