Part-Time Position Open
Children’s Formation Coordinator
Assumption Parish has an opening for a part-time position (19 hours per week) as Children's Faith Formation Coordinator.
Oversight of Children’s Faith Formation offerings including Sunday morning Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Sunday morning), First Reconciliation and First Communion preparation, and Vacation Bible School.
Prepare schedules for Children’s Faith Formation offerings.
Recruit and schedule Children Faith Formation volunteers.
Ensure that volunteers have the materials and space set-ups that they need.
Communicating important Children’s Faith Formation information with parents, staff, parishioners, and volunteers in an accurate and timely manner.
Keeping Children’s Faith Formation records (registrations, attendance records, permission forms, sacramental records, etc.).
Coordinate ongoing formation opportunities for Children’s Faith Formation catechists and volunteers.
Collaborate with staff on parish-wide projects such as seasonal events, hospitality, and fund raising events.
Qualifications and Requirements
Practicing Catholic with a heart for serving parish households and their young people.
A solid understanding of the teachings of the Catholic faith and a willingness to participate in ongoing catechetical formation.
Excellent listener with oral and written communication skills.
Organizational skills.
Willingness to work weekends and evenings and availability to assist with collaborative staff projects.
Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
Regular availability during scheduled Children’s Faith Formation offerings. Otherwise, the position has a flexible schedule including at-home hours as agreed to with supervisor.
All interested applicants please send your resume to John Graveline ( or drop it off at the Parish Office during business hours.
Call for Volunteers
We are on the lookout for additional volunteers for Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) and Children’s Faith Formation (CFF). As our parish continues to grow, we need to have more volunteers if we would like our children’s faith programming to grow with us. The only requirements are a love of God and the willingness to answer His call.
Now go, I will assist you in speaking and teach you what you are to say.
—Exodus 4:12
For more information or to sign up, please see John Graveline or email
Upcoming Activities
2 CFF and CLOW meet
5 Wednesday CFF
9 CFF and CLOW meet
12 Wednesday CFF
16 No CFF or CLOW
19 No Wednesday CFF
23 CFF and CLOW meet, Sacramental prep, 3pm
26 Wednesday CFF
1 Mardi Gras, following 4:30 Mass
Contact the parish office if you have any questions about Children’s Faith Formation.
Take the Five-Day Parenting Challenge!
Me and My House, a Catholic parenting site offers a series of one- to two-minute videos on how to strengthen your relationship with your child. Sign up today to Take the 5 Day Challenge!
trust and Safety
To foster and maintain an atmosphere of trust and safety in its ministry to minors, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish follows the Standards of Ministerial Behavior for Those Working with Children and Young People, established by the Diocese of Saginaw. We will set appropriate boundaries to assure a safe place for our children and young people in all church ministries and programs. For further information and full documentations of these Standards of Behavior, please visit the Diocese of Saginaw website.
Children's Faith Formation Program
Our children’s faith formation program supports spiritual growth for pre-school, kindergarten, and grades 1-5.
Children in these grades meet on Sunday morning after Mass at 10:45 am until noon.
Our preschool catechist utilizes a lectionary-based curriculum that allows the Sunday readings to come alive in an exciting, interactive way for our preschoolers.
Kindergarteners experience God through Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Please see a description of this program in the next section below.
Our 1st grade through 5th grade curriculum is Christ Our Life series by Loyola Press. This program was developed according to the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: what Catholics believe, how we worship, how we live and how we pray. Using an integrated approach, the essentials of Catholic teaching are presented to the children in a way that helps them to learn about and deepen their faith.
Several times a year we also come together with our families and parish community for special celebrations and service projects.
To enroll please complete the registration form online.
Please contact the parish office.
the catechisis of the good shepherd
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Used at the kindergarten level. This is a program of faith formation that presents the most important realities of the catholic faith to the youngest members of the church. This is achieved by: 1) a prepared environment (atrium) and 2) a trained catechist whose sources are scripture and liturgy.
These presentations are chosen to convey the essentials of the faith in a manner appropriate to the child’s development. The child is then invited to internalize and respond to the presentation by working with the materials themselves. Photos of the Atrium.
Four, five, six (and seven year olds who have not made their First Eucharist) are invited to attend CLOW during Sunday Mass.
Children are dismissed from Mass after the Introductory Rite where they will hear and reflect on the Sunday readings at their age level, have a simple interactive Profession of Faith and pray for the needs of our world, the church and the community.
They return to the larger assembly at the preparation of the gifts.
Study Requirements and parent practices - KINDERGARTEN through 5th Grade
From kindergarten through 5th grade all children should know and understand certain prayers and practices of our Catholic faith based on their grade level. Click for the Online Study Guide and Parents Practices, or use the PDF version. We hope you find it useful in supporting your children on their faith journey.