Upcoming Activities



Watch for Flocknote emails to be sent on a weekly basis. All Youth Ministry news and events will be communicated through Flocknote and the bulletin. 

For information or questions about Youth Ministry, please contact: Kathy Russell (kathyr@assumptionmidland.org).

Youth Ministry…Can I Get a Witness?

Youth co-leaders needed for middle school

Are you a parent or grandparent or a person who loves God and wants to help build a courageous community and make a positive impact on youth? Do you want to laugh and have fun? Do you want to learn more about your faith? You may be a great fit to be a youth leader! Your age does not matter. Your experience does not matter. Come be part of something awesome!

To find out how you can make a difference in the lives of the youth, contact Kathy Russell at 989-631-4447 or kathyr@assumptionmidland.org.

Join the Choir!

The Assumption Parish Choir is looking for new members! 

Our choir is open to any lovers of music high school age and older—all skill levels are welcome! Centered around the experience of learning and presenting new skills and a wide range of music in a faith-filled environment, involvement in choir is both fun and fulfilling! Choir rehearses every Thursday night from 7–8:30pm, beginning September 7. We hope you will consider joining us for this upcoming season—we’ve got some great music in store that you won’t want to miss! 

Contact Jim Renfer at jim@assumptionmidland.org 

Media Outreach Ministry Needs You!

Masses are livestreamed each week for those who are unable to join the Assumption faith community in person. This technology also provides us the ability to livestream other events that occur throughout the church year.

There is a need for Media Outreach Ministers.  This invitation is open to anyone 4th grade and up. No previous knowledge and skills are required; training will be provided.

If you are interested in this ministry or have any questions, please contact Max Schneider by stopping by the Media Outreach Ministry room (the former cry room) any Sunday before or after Mass, or by email at maxschneider@att.net. 

Youth Protection

To foster and maintain an atmosphere of trust and safety in its ministry to minors, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish follows the Standards of Ministerial Behavior for Those Working with Children and Young People, established by the Diocese of Saginaw.  We will set appropriate boundaries to assure a safe place for our children and young people in all church ministries and programs.  For further information and full documentations of these Standards of Behavior, please visit the Diocese of Saginaw website

Middle School youth ministry

High School youth ministry

Parental role

226. The witness of Christian life given by parents in the family comes to children with tenderness and parental respect. Children thus perceive and joyously live the closeness of God and of Jesus made manifest by their parents in such a way that this first Christian experience frequently leaves decisive traces which last throughout life. This childhood religious awakening which takes place in the family is irreplaceable. It is consolidated when, on the occasion of certain family events and festivities, "care is taken to explain in the home the Christian or religious content of these events." It is deepened all the more when parents comment on the more methodical catechesis which their children later receive in the Christian community and help them to appropriate it. Indeed, "family catechesis precedes ... accompanies and enriches all forms of catechesis."  (General Directory for Catechesis)  

Ways for parents to support their teens discipleship development: 

Contact:  If you have any questions or concerns with Youth Ministry please contact Director of Youth Ministry Kathy Russell or call 989-631-4447.

“You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. And you shall love your neighbor as yourself."  (Matthew 22:37-39)